iolo Affiliates | Valentine's Day coupon, article, FLoC is dead. But Topics won't fix Google's ad targeting problems, and much more


iolo Affiliate Newsletter - February, 2022

Dear Sergey,

Welcome to the iolo affiliate newsletter for February.
In this edition of the newsletter we're going to cover the following items:

  1. Article: "Simple Ways To Check Computer Performance"

  2. iolo's Massive 70% Off Valentine's Day Coupon!

  3. High-converting Banner Set For System Mechanic

  4. Affiliate Masterclass: "FLoC is dead. But Topics won鈥檛 fix Google鈥檚 ad targeting problems"

To check out last month's edition of the affiliate newsletter, click here.

Thanks for all that you do!

iolo Affiliate Program Team

Simple Ways To Check Computer Performance


Please note: Feel free to use the copy/graphics below on your website/blog.


There eventually comes a time for PC owners when we must decide between upgrading our computers or taking the time to identify and then fix any issues our current one has. If you are not exactly computer savvy, then upgrading your computer may seem like the most sensible and convenient thing to do. However, unless you want to make this same decision a few years down the road, it鈥檚 important to at least consider what may be affecting the performance of your PC -- you might be surprised at what a simple diagnostic test can do for your performance.

There are plenty of ways to do this without taking your computer into a professional; you can run built-in diagnostic tools or seek out third-party software that focuses entirely on repairing your PC experience. The choice is yours but there is a good chance that you might have to explore both options depending on the state and age of your computer.

Computers have advanced incredibly in the last twenty years. Still, with program, software, and UI advancements, many other factors can significantly impact the way your computer runs. In this article, we will look at both built-in and third-party options that offer simple ways to check computer performance.



Built-In Computer Performance Benchmark Test


When your computer begins to feel sluggish, you can do many small things before starting any benchmark testing or diagnostic scans. If you have not shut down your computer in a while, you might be surprised at how much a simple reboot can do to performance. The same goes for updating your computer and drivers. Updates can take a long time depending on the state of your PC, but updating your computer can also improve overall performance.

If you have attempted these universal actions to improve performance, and nothing has changed, then you might have to dig a little deeper to find out what鈥檚 going on with your computer; this is where benchmarking comes in. Benchmark testing compares software, hardware, and network performance to identify performance metrics that may determine necessary changes or improvements that can be made to your PC to improve your performance.

If you have Windows 10, try the preloaded, built-in benchmark test that comes with the operating system called Performance Monitor. Performance Monitor is a built-in utility that runs a diagnostic scan for ways to check computer performance. This tool can be used to identify and analyze apps, hardware, and software data to fix performance-related issues.

There are many options available to run this utility tool, but the simplest way to launch this tool is to Press Windows Key + R on your keyboard and type "perfmon/report" OR simply type in performance monitor in the search bar- either works. Once the application is opened, it will start to collect necessary data, and you will see "Collecting data for 60 seconds". Wait for the performance monitor to finish assembling the required data. The Performance Monitor will show graphs of various performance metrics that update in real-time.

After the scan, a system summary will show you all the details about the data collected from your PC. Look for a tab that says Diagnostic Results and click on that. The Diagnostic Results will include various reports consisting of subsections that review different areas of your PC that might affect performance -- Warning, Informational, Basic System Checks, Resource Review. Each of these subsections will have various details about your PC, and the performance monitor will also give you a report for ways to maximize performance on your computer.


Additional Ways To Check Computer Performance


Suppose you鈥檝e completed running the Performance Monitor tool built into Windows 10, and you are not satisfied with the report results. In that case, you may need to look for other options, such as third-party diagnostic software that can check and help to improve performance.

At iolo, we are here to help you get your PC running the way it should and when you have exhausted all other options or simply wish to be proactive with a newer PC, then having software like System Mechanic can help with total check and improve performance, protection, and privacy.


If you have any questions/comments on the above, please email us.


iolo's Massive 70% Off Valentine's Day Coupon!


Famous for being a day to shower your significant other with romantic gifts, Valentine鈥檚 Day is one of the most celebrated holidays on the calendar.


When the Covid-19 pandemic began causing bedlam across the world in early 2020, billions of people experienced change. Everything was impacted. Valentine鈥檚 Day was no different.


Perhaps the biggest impact that Covid-19 has had on Valentine鈥檚 Day has been a clear reduction in spending for most consumers. In the US, overall Valentine鈥檚 Day spending decreased from $27.4 billion in 2020 to $21.8 billion in 2021, with consumers spending an average of $164.76 per person in 2021 compared to $196.31 in 2020. (Source: Statista).


But not only has the amount that people spend changed. What they choose to spend it on has shifted as well. Now gifting software is a thing for Valentine's Day!


People are spending ever more time on their home PC. Their system must work zero defects. Especially when working from home.


To celebrate Valentine's Day; from now through to March 3, 2022 iolo is running a coupon that should seriously spike sales volume/conversion rates. The coupon is good for the products below:

Grab HTML code for the New Year coupon below!


Coupon Deal: Get a massive 70% off System Mechanic Ultimate Defense, just $23.99! Coupon code: VALENTINESDAY

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Coupon Deal: Get a massive 70% off System Mechanic Pro, just $20.99! Coupon code: VALENTINESDAY

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Valid To: March 3, 2022

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Coupon Deal: Get a massive 70% off System Mechanic, just $14.99! Coupon code: VALENTINESDAY

Valid From: Now
Valid To: March 3, 2022

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If you have any questions/comments on the above, please email us.

Important Offers to Prioritize [Good thru 12/31/22]

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High-converting Banner Set For System Mechanic




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Affiliate Masterclass


Back in May 2021, iolo's Affiliate Masterclass covered Google's latest initiative, Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC). The article we covered was Ars Technica's GO FLOC YOURSELF -- Everybody hates "FLoC," Google's tracking plan for Chrome ads.


Good news and bad news. The good news first. FLoC is canceled! (Yay?) The bad news? It will be replaced with 'Topics'.


On the surface, for the ad industry at least, it looks like; 'Out of the frying pan into the fire'.


Like everyone, we keep a close eye on things as they unfold.


FLoC is dead. But Topics won鈥檛 fix Google鈥檚 ad targeting problems.


"It just seems like rearranging deck chairs on the sinking ship of targeted ads."


Google broke the internet last year with its plan to break the internet last year.

Of course, I'm talking about FLoC, Google's poorly named plan to kill off the third-party cookie and allow advertisers to target "cohorts" of anonymous users instead. It managed to piss off everyone, with privacy groups calling it invasive and the ad industry calling it anticompetitive.

Yesterday, Google killed off FLoC, announcing it's replacing it with a shiny new ad-targeting tool called Topics. The idea behind Topics is pretty simple. It's an API that uses people's browsing history to infer their interests in broad topics like, say, fitness. The API will share a rotating subset of those interests with publishers, who can then use them to serve targeted ads on their sites. Users can also delete topics they don't want shared in what Google argues is a much better deal for privacy.

But if Google was expecting a standing ovation from FLoC's critics, it might have been disappointed. The company's plan for Topics has, so far, gotten something between a lukewarm and icy response from the very people who called for FLoC's demise.

"It just seems like rearranging deck chairs on the sinking ship of targeted ads," said Justin Brookman, director of Consumer Privacy at Consumer Reports.

"There's no way to spin this as anything other than a new privacy violation being built into your browser," said Bennett Cyphers, staff technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

There's no doubt Topics is a slight improvement over FLoC, Cyphers and Brookman acknowledged, but it hardly satisfies the growing movement calling for the eradication of behavioral ad targeting altogether. That includes not just advocates, but lots of Democrats in Congress and lawmakers in Europe who have recently pushed for legislation that would ban targeted ads.

In its announcement, Google emphasized the importance of giving people control over the topics that advertisers use to target them. "Because Topics is powered by the browser, it provides you with a more recognizable way to see and control how your data is shared, compared to tracking mechanisms like third-party cookies," the post read.

But privacy hawks argue that user controls can be the enemy of offering people true privacy in the first place. "It's just not feasible for someone to track and control their Topics on a week-by-week basis: Who would do that?!" Brookman said.

As it happens, Facebook pitched a similar proposal last year but changed course due to privacy concerns. "If automatic inferences are returned based on behavioral data, there is a risk of sensitive information disclosure. I think this is a fair point," Facebook engineer Ben Savage wrote in an online discussion group regarding the proposal.

But just because the privacy world hates Topics doesn't mean the ad world loves it. It may not kill ad targeting, but it will cut ad-tech firms and publishers off from a whole lot of web browsing data they currently have access to -- data Google, which owns the biggest browser in the world, will continue to have access to.

To continue reading the article, please click here.


If you have any questions/comments on the above, please email us.

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